Monday, May 05, 2008

A grandmotherly brag...

For those of you who have been keeping track of Lilly, she is growing up so fast. Here she is on Magnetic Island, where her other grandparents have a holiday house.

She is so full of life, and full of beans, talks non-stop, runs non stop. And LOVES books.

Am I pleased about that? You bet. And you should hear the way she says 'Hello, Nan!' on the phone. So loud, so cute.


Phillipa said...

She's gorgeous Barbara. P x

Anonymous said...

Oh you are so lucky Lilly talks to you on the phone: when my friend's niece was small, she would just breathe, ever so quietly and say nothing while clutching the phone as if her life depended on it!!! How wonderful that she loves books, and her Grandmother too.